Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Treat Back Pain

How to Treat Back Pain at Home:

When back pain develops or injury occurs that does not warrant a doctor’s care, successful home treatment can be your avenue to more rapid relief. Here are some steps that can help you treat back pain at home:
Apply cold, then heat: Immediately after back injury, apply ice for 15-20 minutes three to four times a day for the first three days. Place ice in a plastic bag and wrap with a cloth or towel to keep a thin barrier between the ice and your skin. After spasms or acute pain subside, you can apply a heating pad to help loosen tight muscles. Limit heat applications to 20 minutes.
Get in a comfortable position: Do not sit up in bed or on soft couches. Avoid positions that worsen symptoms, such as sitting for long periods of time or in a position that requires your back to be twisted.
Rest only for short periods: Short periods of rest, lying flat on your back with knees bent, can help relieve back pain. Long periods of bed rest, however, are not recommended since it may weaken the muscles and delay recovery. More than three days of bed rest is not recommended and could actually delay healing.
Use over-the-counter pain relievers: Non-prescription pain relievers, such as acetaminophen may help control pain. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, such as ibuprophen can also reduce inflammation that affects muscles and joints.
Perform light exercise: Take a short walk (3-5 minutes) on a level surface every three hours. Walk only distances you can manage without pain. Try pelvic tilts (i.e., lie on back with knees bent and slowly tighten stomach pressing the lower back against the floor, hold for 10 seconds and relax) to gently move the spine and stretch the lower back.

If You are Pregnant...

During pregnancy the body goes through many changes; some may cause discomfort - that’s normal. Back pain is one of the most common complaints among pregnant women. By following a few tips (see below), and doing exercises to strengthen your muscles, you can ease some of the
discomfort. Tips for easing back pain during pregnancy:
• Consult with your doctor, especially if back pain is accompanied by fever,
burning during urination, or vaginal bleeding.
• Exercise for a healthy back. Consult with your doctor, and see the following website for exercises ideas

• Wear low-healed (but not flat) shoes with good arch support.
• Ask for help when lifting heavy objects.
• If your bed is too soft, have someone help you place a board between the mattress and box spring.
• Don’t bend over from the waist to pick something or someone up - squat down, bend your knees, keep your back straight, and use your legs to lift.
• Sit in chairs with good back support, or use a pillow behind the lower part of your back.
• Try to sleep on your side with one or two pillows between your legs for support.
• Apply cold, followed by heat (if needed) to the painful area or massage it.
If back pain continues, your doctor may suggest you wear a maternity girdle, special elastic sling, or back brace.

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